At a glance
9 classroom teachers
Specialized teachers for music, PE, Spanish and Bible
Specialized teachers for music, PE, Spanish and Bible
Class Size
Max 15:1 student to teacher ratio
Current average of 12 students per class
Current average of 12 students per class
Sports program
5 after school programs
5 after school programs
School Facility
Stem Lab
Playground for younger elementary
Library & computers
Stem Lab
Playground for younger elementary
Library & computers
Our Student's Future
Students who have graduated from Calvary Chapel Academy have attended the following high schools:
Esperanza High School
Yorba Linda High School
Valencia High School
El Dorado High School
Canyon High School
Calvary Chapel High School, Santa Ana
Orange Lutheran
Students who have graduated Calvary Chapel Academy have gone on to attend the following colleges/universities (not a complete list):
University of Southern California
Biola University
Baylor University
Cal State University, Fullerton
Chapman University
University of California, Irvine
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Berkley
University of California, Riverside
Grand Canyon University
University of Arizona
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Westmont College
Esperanza High School
Yorba Linda High School
Valencia High School
El Dorado High School
Canyon High School
Calvary Chapel High School, Santa Ana
Orange Lutheran
Students who have graduated Calvary Chapel Academy have gone on to attend the following colleges/universities (not a complete list):
University of Southern California
Biola University
Baylor University
Cal State University, Fullerton
Chapman University
University of California, Irvine
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Berkley
University of California, Riverside
Grand Canyon University
University of Arizona
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Westmont College